The McCluskey Family

The McCluskey Family

My Weight Loss!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Here are more of Sam's 3 month old pictures

Here are more of Sam's pictures. I am happy they all turned out so good. She also got them to me faster than I thought it would be from start to finish. I only had them taken less than 24 hours ago. I am happy for all of the memories.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sam's 3 month old Pictures

Today we went and got Samuel's 3 month old pictures taken. She did a really good job. She sent me a couple of pictures today and I will get the rest of them pretty soon. He was kinda tired, and wanted his binkie. I think the pictures turned out really good.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Warren girls Birthday Party.

The Warren girls had a big birthday Bash at their house. Sierra turned 10, Abbie turned 3, and Aubrey turned 1. I just realized that I never got a picture of Sierra because I was busy chasing after Ben. (Sorry Sierra)
Ben and Abbie
They hanged out with each other all day.
I think their favorite thing was the icee.
Ben doesn't like looking at the camera.
They are so funny.
This picture is out of order. He really likes to ride the scooter. I didn't think that he would be able to do it, but he is really good. I would have had a helmet on him, but I was always next to him. I would have saved him if he fell.
Ben will make a great husband. He is helping Madison in the kitchen.
He looks so big in this picture. He really likes Bonnie and Julians house that is in their home. I am trying to find him one on craigslist.
Aubrey and Alia
Ben is in the house with mike. (Denise's Husband)
Ben is wanting me to give him my camera. It is not going to happen.

Daddy and Sam
Sam getting burped.
Ben is having fun in the sprinkler.
He is playing with everything. The only thing that I didn't get a picture of was Ben mowing the lawn. He always has to have the lawn mower. He tells everyone that it is Ben's.

Sam's 2 month old Pictures

These are the pictures that I took for his 2 month old birthday. They turned out pretty good, but hopefully Ashlyn will be able to take some more today of Sam.
I'm really tired of taking pictures
I love his eyes.
He looks kinda confused.
My big baby boy.
He really wasn't in the mood.

Happy Sam

I am really glad that all of my kids are really happy babies. Here are some picture of baby Sam at the end of last month. He was 2 months old. I am just getting time to post to the blog.
Sam is a really happy baby.

Sam laughing
His hair look red in this picture. Ben also had red hair, but it changed to a light brown.

Guy, Peg, and Joshua came to visit.

My brother Guy, and his wife Peg came with there son Joshua to come see us. They meet all of us at Papas Pizza to visit. It was really nice to see everyone.
Ben in the outfit that Aunt Bonnie gave him. I thought the shorts look really cute. Look at those rolls in his legs, and they are even bigger now.
We added Jamie and Jerimiah in this picture.
My nephew Josh is on the left hand side. He is really tall. Corey is holding Sam, and Ashley is holding Ben. He really didn't want to take pictures.
The kissing Cousins. (Abbie and Ben) Whenever they get together they always kiss. They are only 7 months apart.
Abbie and Ben hugging. Ben really doesn't look at the camera. He is way to busy.

Ben is a BIG BOY.

Ben has been sleeping without his binkie for about a month. I listened to screaming, yelling, and kicking the wall when he was going to bed for a couple of days. He is doing great now. He doesn't like going to bed but when he does it is really easy for him to fall asleep now. When he finds Sam's binkie he puts it into the sink. I thought he would start trying to use Sam's but it really hasn't happened. Next we are going to try and potty train. I am waiting about another month. The doctor told us that boys usually potty train around 2.5 or 3. He will be 2.5 in July.

Ben without a binkie. He is sleeping with the doll that Denise and Alia gave him. He also sleeps with his Elle.
Ben sleeping in his big boy bed when he had a binkie.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Little Late- Mothers Day

Mothers Day
We had alot of fun. We went to a park in a neighborhood. It was really nice because the kids were the only ones there. They could play on anything they wanted to. We got some pictures with the grandkids with their cousin that is closest in age. Samuel is the only one that doesn't have a cousin close to his age. We need to get someone to work on this.
Alia and Aubrey in the car together. They are about 2 months apart. The only set that are girls.
Shane and Sierra on the motorcycle. They are the oldest set. They are about 4 years apart.
Julian and Madison are about 1 month apart.
Benjamin and Abbie are about 7 months apart and are now the kissing cousins. They are so cute. It is neat to see them communicate with each other.
Here they are again