The McCluskey Family

The McCluskey Family

My Weight Loss!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Update on Baby #2

We went to the doctors in Portland at OHSU last friday. The doctor has alot of stuff that they want me to do after week 16. I have to take 4mg of Folic Acid a day, Suppositories every day, and an Utrasound every 2 weeks after week 16. We will find out what we are having on Nov. 10 at 18weeks. I think that we are having a boy, and james thinks we are having a girl. What do you think? Let us knowPicture of the one of the arms
The whole body while moving
Our first 3 D ultrasound
A close up of the 3D picture. If you really look at the picture it looks like the face is in on the right next to the arm and hand, but that is actually the ear and back of the head. The face is under the hands.


Carissa said...

Wow, bring on the craziness that will be pregnancy! I hope that things keep going well for you guys. I think you're having a girl, mainly because I want you to have a girl because I want my next to be a girl. :) Thanks for the updates. I loved all the other new pictures of Ben. Especially the one with the dog on the tray!! Oh that was too funny.

Watts Family said...

That is the cutest baby I have ever seen. Well almost!!! I think Alia's the cutest.

Andrea said...

I can't wait to see this baby. I am not sure if you are having a boy or a girl. I always go with how sick you are. I was pretty sick with Shane and way sicker with Madison. So judging on that I would say you are having a boy. I hope that I am wrong. Can't wait until November 10th!!

Sunny Ryan & Cameron said...

How exciting! Almost makes me want to have another one already (shhh - don't tell)! I can't wait to find out what you're having! *thinking pink for you*
I love all of your new pictures btw... especially your dog on Ben's highchair! ;)

Julee and Matt said...

Well, I hope with all the extra appointments and stuff they are having you do this time around, that things will be much better for you. I think you are having a little girl.

Anonymous said...

We love the baby already. We can't wait.

rachel said...

Another baby in this world? WOOHOO!

I think I saw you at Target last night... were you there?