The McCluskey Family

The McCluskey Family

My Weight Loss!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Samuel's First Birthday Party!!

We had tons of fun with family and friends at Samuel's First Birthday Party. Ben was really excited for Sam, but really didn't understand why it wasn't his birthday.
Ben singing Sam Happy Birthday
Daddy, Sam, Benjamin and Mommy (Well I guess I know where the camera is)
Look who's having fun!
This cake is really good.
Hi, Mom! I am making a mess.
Then he decided to beat on the cake like a drum.
One side of the room.
The other side, but some of the people where gone because there kids wanted to play in the play area.
Samuel and his friend Lief (Lief has the same birthday as Benjamin)
Samuel sharing his toy with Ben.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love them, he is freaking adorable. I can't believe he is already one. Time goes by so so fast.